Color In Fashion or Textiles Industry

Photo by <a href="">Helena Lopes</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

  In the apparel fabric industry, color changes rapidly. Color trends and new color looks are forecast twice a year and new designs with new colorings appear equally often. Color is forecast in advance of the time it appears on the retail market. What is considered the correct color one season may be considered incorrect next season.  The furnishings fabric industry also has trends in colors, but changes occur at a much slower pace, here stable colorways can last for several years.

From the consumer's point of view, the correct color is the color that the individual likes best. But a favorite or desired color for one occasion may be different from the one desired for another. What colors come to mind when you think of babies, weddings, or official gatherings? Our selection of colors for each occasion is predictable as a result of cultural conditioning. And likes and dislikes are based on what we are accustomed to or familiar with. 

The creative textile designer must learn to choose and use color more objectively. A formal understanding of the principles of colors is necessary which can be obtained through the study and practice of color theory. It is to help you achieve the particular color effects you want. the foundation in theory does not mean that you should ignore your intuitive sense of color, rather, it helps you develop and realize this intuitive sense in the most skilled and purposeful way.

Textile Coloring 

To allow the buyer a choice of colors when selecting fabrics, most designs are printed in more than one colorway. In the apparel fabrics trade, it is not uncommon for a design to be printed and sold in four or more colorways simultaneously. If the design runs over several seasons, new colorings will usually be made for each new season. As you can probably imagine, a design that enjoys a long run may be colored many times. The number of colors used in a design will vary depending on several factors: the company, the market to which the fabric will be sold, and the type of printing method used. Although new coloring of a design is occasionally done by a designer, more often they are prepared by the colorist. 

Photo by <a href="">Becca McHaffie</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Color Balancing 

       Color balancing is the process of adjusting your colors so that each will relate properly to the other colors in the design. Balancing a color may mean adding a few drops of white to lighten the value or drop of black to darken it. The color may appear too blue or may need less red when compared to other colors. These subtle adjustments can only be made when all the colors in coloring are painted adjacent to each other. Colors can be balanced by a few experiments and practices but to get the perfect result, an understanding of the principles of color balancing and color theory is necessary.

Basic Color Theory 

       Color is a property of light reflection. When we see colors our eye is responding to light to a light wavelength reflecting from the object. When white light is passed through a prism it is broken up into rainbow hues which make our spectrum, this demonstrates that white light contains all the colors. An object that appears yellow or red absorbs all the colors except red or yellow rays which are reflected in our eyes. A black object absorbs all color rays while white color reflects all of them.

Properties of Colors

The properties of colors include hue, value, and intensity. Ab understanding of these will help you in mixing colors and working with pigments.

It refers to the name of a particular color such as Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green. The color wheel is the most common structure for organizing colors. The wheel contains twelve hues consisting of three primary colors, three secondary colors and six tertiary colors.
Value refers to the darkness or lightness of a hue. The value of a hue can be lightened by adding white paint, called a tint, or darkened by adding black, called a shade.
Intensity refers to the brightness or dullness of a hue. A color at full intensity contains little or no grey or is free from mixing of its complement. The intensity of color can be dull or neutralized by mixing it with its complementary color which is the color exactly opposite from it on the color wheel. 

Color Schemes

Color schemes can be helpful in planning the visual effect of the design. They are extremely useful in creating coloring when you are trying to give the same design a totally new visual impression. The four basic color schemes are called monochromatic, analogue, complementary and triad.

Color Factors


Colors are affected by the light under which they are seen. If the light changes, the color will also change. View your design both under your work light and in daylight.


this factor should be considered in creating a design as color observed from very close will appear different when viewed from the greatest distance. A design should be viewed from near and far before deciding on the final color look.

Special illusion

Warm, intense colors, such as yellow, orange, and red, appear to advance (aggressive colors) while cooler colors such as green and blue appear to recede(retiring colors). with this knowledge, the designer can create an interesting illusion of space.

Color Relationship

A color is always seen in relationship to another color or colors. the hue, intensity, or value of a color can appear to change depending on the effects of the background or adjacent colors. the amount of color will also affect the way we see it and its relationship to another color. Moreover, the design painted in several colors can be repainted with the same colors and yet appear quite different if their position within the design is changed. 


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